

At the core of Island Montessori’s ethos is a commitment to fostering and growing a sense of community, both within and outside of the classroom and school playgrounds. Crucial to this model is ensuring that our students, the centre of our purpose, are cared for through various layers of support, guidance and ultimately, governance.

Our school has 3 layers of governance to help support, inform and guide us as we grow from year to year:

  • Class Parent Representatives

  • Board of Directors

  • External Advisors

Class Parent Representatives

Our class parents are a key part of our governance structure, and help us ensure that important messages are relayed to their class parents, and also act as an independent ear and voice to help parents provide feedback. Each year our class parents are nominated from the class parent group, and information on the current year Class Parent Representatives can be found by speaking to your class head teacher.

Board of Directors

Our directors play an important role in ensuring the school’s regulatory, financial and operational processes are maintained to the highest standard. Our schools’ fiduciary directors are Jennifer Cowdroy, and Pilar Bush.

External Advisors

Our Advisors are specialists in the area of Education, and we intentionally seek persons who are not directly connected with our school, to help ensure a better degree of objectivity. Advisors are not compensated, and help provide strategic direction guidance to ensure our school remains true to its vision, values and long term goals. More information on our current Advisors may be found here.