Fee Schedule 2025/26

Billing & Payment Policy

Tuition fees are established on an annual basis for the period September to June inclusive. To assist, we offer both Termly and Monthly payment options. Please note however that all payment options are due in full within the first 5 days of the period selected, and where necessary, the school reserves the right to charge a late penalty for fees which are not paid on time.

Fees for midterm and summer camps will be charged separately.

Please note that tuition fees are due regardless of absences due to illness, holidays, or temporary school closures due to weather, catastrophic events and/or any circumstances resulting in interruption of the business.

Please note: Non-Refundable prepaid deposits may NOT be used to settle outstanding tuition fees, withdrawal penalties or other outstanding balances due to the school. Deposits are also non-transferrable.


Prepayment Discounts: Our tuition schedule contains discounts built in for Annual (5%) and Termly payments (3%). Changes made during the year to different payment options will result in an adjustment of fees to correct discounts to applicable months only.

Sibling Discount: We are pleased to offer discounts for families at Island Montessori. Tuition will be charged as follows:

*  Full tuition for the first child based upon the child in the highest-class level

*  A 5% reduction for the second child

*  A 10% reduction for the third child

Early Withdrawal

If a child is withdrawn from school prior to the completion of the school year 30 days written notice is required. If such notice is not provided parents agree by signing the Parent Contract that they will pay the equivalent of one month’s fees in lieu of notice being provided.

All fees paid in advance will be refunded on a pro-rata basis beginning 30 days after a written request for refund of fees is received by the school. Please note families who are on a monthly payment basis will be invoiced for fees where 30 days’ notice is not received.

Payment Methods

Payment can be made in CI$ or US$ (please convert using a rate of 0.82). Payments may be made by cheque or online transfer to our Bank of Butterfield account as follows:

Account Name: Island Montessori           

CI Account: 1361 6470 30013

We are also registered as a Payee at Butterfield Online under the ‘Schools’ category of Payees, and we are listed as Island Montessori.

Payments are also accepted by MasterCard/Visa/Amex - please click here to download a copy of our Credit Card Authorization form and once complete please return by email to admin@islandmontessori.org. Please note credit card payments may be subject to a 3% surcharge applied.

In instances where tuition fees continue to remain unpaid for an extended period of time, Island Montessori reserves the right to revoke a student’s attendance until the account has been settled.