We want to make your experience with us as easy as possible. Recognising life is busy enough, finding all of the relevant information about your child's school should be effortless. Our handbook, registration form, school calendar, tuition and payment policy, plus information specific to each class is available below. Each can be downloaded and printed if you prefer hard copies.
Open communication is key to successful parent teacher relationships. In addition to seeing your child's teachers at school, each class has a dedicated email and phone number you can use. Parents of our students can look forward to a school newsletter each term, and each month you will receive a newsletter highlighting the activities in your child's class. Check out our members only Island Montessori Facebook page for weekly updates of photos and special notices.
In addition, each class has a designated ‘Class Parent’ elected each year who helps ensure important information is sent, and to provide a confidential voice to talk with. For information on your class parent please ask your Head Teacher for their information to be added to their What’s App group.
Please see our class contact numbers for the 2024/25 School Year:
Main Number: 945-5814
Toddler Stingray Class: 925-2633 and Toddler Turtles Class: 925-2628
Casa Cabin: 926-9185 and Casa Cottage: 936-6181
Aftercare and Camp: 938-7942
Island Montessori maintains various policies which have been approved by the Cayman Islands Department of Education, and all are available for viewing by clicking the link below. Our current Child Protection Officers are Rhachel Whyte and Dionne Machingura.
If you need a few minutes and your child's teacher is busy taking care of the little ones, send him or her an email to set up a time when they can give you their undivided attention. We strive to create a professional and efficient experience for busy parents. If you have an idea or suggestion, please share it with us.