Online Registration of Interest
If you are interested in joining our school community please contact us on, or use our ‘Contact Us’ page to arrange a visit. We feel it is extremely important to tour the school, see our classrooms and gardens, and most importantly meet the staff prior to registering. During the tour we can answer any questions you may have and help you decide if our school is the right fit for your family.
Our Online Registration form is below. Once completed, and the $250 Registration fee is paid, your child will be added to the waiting list. Please note children will not be added to the registration list until the Registration fee is paid. Details for payment are noted below in the Application form.
A summary of our available programs follows below. For more information on each, please see refer to “Our Classes” on this website.
Registration of Interest Form
Application Process:
Applications are individually assessed and will be accepted based on sibling priority and position on any applicable waiting list. Island Montessori maintains a strict adherence to its Non-discrimination Policy.
Please note children will not placed on the registration list until the $250 Registration fee is paid.
Fees may be paid by cheque or direct transfer to our Bank of Butterfield account #1361-6470-30013. We are also set up as a Butterfield Bank Payee, registered as Casa Partners Ltd., trading as Island Montessori.
Fees may also now be paid by Mastercard/Visa - please email us for more details on using this method.
Upon notice of acceptance you will be required to secure your child's placement with a non refundable $500 deposit. This fee will be applied in full towards the annual tuition cost.